A JKL Production
A Keith Website ©1996

    The image below is a
    snapshot from a 3D rendering
    of the main set -my living
    room, of course. Skeptics
    amongst you might
    question how a website was
    composed in a room
    conspicuously lacking a
    computer. The answer is
    that the computer lies in
    the adjacent kitchen and,
    unfortunately, we ran out
    of funds before completing
    that set.

Click on the image to be transported to a VRML rendering of the set. If your browser is not equipped with a VRML renderer, I can only suggest that you acquire Netscape 2.0 or above. The 3D rendering you will see will not look as nice as the below image, when viewed in bare-bones VRML browsers such as the one that comes with Netscape, but other VRML browsers are not as easy to come by.

There are several vantage points pre-coded into the scene. For example, on Netscape under Windows 95, hold down the control key, and hit the right-arrow key to glide smoothly to new viewpoints in the appartment. Another interesting thing to do is to switch to wire-frame mode.