A JKL Production
A Keith Website ©1996
At this point, and in the pages below it, you'll be glad to know that I give up the pretence that this is a movie website, and get real. My reason for the charade of the fake movie site was simply to invent a vehicle through which I could develop some decent web-design skills.
This page is a point of departure to several other pages about aspects of my life. I'm not a total egohead, so I do not really expect the average visitor to this site to be interested in all these page. 

However, at least one page will be useful to L/GHEI members, and some of the other pages have some cute graphics and/or stabs at humor.

The "interests" page has several "concept" pages underneath it, including my homage to the novels of Ellery Queen and Ian Fleming.

arty photos 
To clearly differentiate the personal pages from the movie-site pages, the personal pages use "greyscale" text, backgrounds, buttons and icons (except in the "concept" pages), and the buttons for the movie-site pages are replaced with the buttons you see down the middle of this page. 

The home-page button will still appear on the personal pages (the "W" button), as a quick way of returning to the movie-site pages.